Health Economist

Health Economist

Health economists analyze the economic impact of infectious diseases and the cost-effectiveness of interventions, providing insights to inform public health decisions.

Key Responsibilities

  • Conducting economic evaluations of healthcare interventions.
  • Analyzing the cost-effectiveness of infectious disease treatments and prevention strategies.
  • Developing economic models to predict healthcare costs.
  • Collaborating with policymakers and healthcare providers.
  • Publishing research findings in scientific journals.

Required Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in economics, public health, or a related field (minimum).
  • Master's degree or Ph.D. in health economics or a related field (often required for health policy analyst positions and academic research).

Career Pathways

  • Health Economist
  • Health Policy Analyst
  • Director of Health Economics
  • Public Health Consultant

Related Organizations and Employers

  • International Health Economics Association: IHEA
  • The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Outreach: ISPOR
  • Institute of Health Economics: IHE
  • American Society of Health Economics: ASHEcon
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): CDC Careers
  • World Health Organization (WHO): WHO Careers

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