Health Information Technologist

Health Information Technologist

A health information technologist manages and secures patient health data, ensuring its accuracy and accessibility, and uses technology to improve healthcare outcomes.

Key Responsibilities

  • Managing patient health information and medical records.
  • Using classification software to assign clinical codes for insurance reimbursement.
  • Ensuring data accuracy, security, and accessibility.
  • Collaborating with IT professionals to maintain health information systems.

Required Qualifications

  • Associate's or bachelor's degree in health information management or a related field.
  • Certification as a Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) or Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA).

Career Pathways

  • Health Information Technician
  • Director of Health Information Services
  • Health Informatics Specialist

Related Organizations and Employers

  • American Health Information Management Association: AHIMA
  • American Medical Informatics Association: AMIA
  • American Nursing Informatics Association: ANIA
  • Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society: HIMSS

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